Woke this morning with the spring cold that is making the rounds fully blown. Sore throat, runny nose, rheumy eyes, feverishness--you know the symptoms. I've taken all the usual nostrums but realize that whatever I do I'm still going to be unwelcome host to an unwanted guest for at least a week. I've know for a couple days that it was knocking at the door but this morning I have no choice but acknowledge that it's gotten in. Guess it's tough to work at close quarters with two people who are rotten with it and not succumb.
A cold front came through in the last 36 hours complete with atmospheric fireworks--very noisy pyrotechnics at that. This morning the air is cool and clear. Pity I won't be out and about to enjoy it. I will make the rounds to pick up my mail and tomorrow must get a few groceries and gas up the car--it's gone from 96.9 ¢ a litre to 103.6 ¢. However if I'm active enough to accomplish the later I'll be doing it before the sun is very far above the horizon. I prefer to do my shopping before the hordes arrive with their squalling brats and aisle-blocking ample behinds. I'll spare you that tirade this morning. No, I'm not in any mood to be even a little diplomatic this morning so before I give opportunity for severe offense I'll sign off.
Lone Survivor
2 days ago
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