I guess you could say I'm in a cranky mood today having been awakened at 2:30 AM by the roaring of supercharged car engines outside my window. Yes I was young once and yes I own a car; but I bought my first one for cash when I was 30--a Datsun B-210. It was followed by a Datsun 310 which drove 500,000 miles before I gave up on it. I paid cash for my present car as well--a Saturn ION 2. I learned to drive at age 25 having used a bicycle summer and winter to get to work for years. I've never been grabbed by the automobile ethos; for me they're a means of getting from point A to point B when walking isn't practical. I've never been tempted to see how fast I can get from a standstill to 60 mph or to determine just how fast my vehicle can go. In the first place I figure that kind of driving is too hard on the car and bad for gas mileage. Somehow I just don't equate engine power with my ego and my libido feels no need to have a crotch-rocket between my legs. But then I don't get pumped because my team won the latest tournament either--I don't follow sports.
Mother nature seems determined to continue her way with heat, humidity and thunderstorms; at the moment Southern Ontario is under a severe Thunderstorm Watch with a threat of damaging hale. At least we aren't being promised 5 inches of rain overnight as is expected in Nova Scotia. Unfortunately rain and hail isn't the only form of precipitation we've had at the Post Office of late. Summer is normally a time when mail volumes fall off and advertisers take a break from sending flyers; but not this year. In the past week I've processed 100,000 pieces of special third class,(Bulk Mail) per day--most people would call it junk mail.
When I left Nova Scotia in 1967--is that really nearly 40 years ago?--gasoline sold for 53 cents/gallon; on Weber Street in Waterloo, Ontario a gas station that had a Volkswagen with two front ends almost gave gas away for 39.9¢ a gallon. Today on Trafalgar Rd it's selling for $1.10.9/Litre; I really don't want to know what the conversion is but curiosity overcame and I find it's nearly $5.00 a Canadian Gallon. Perhaps it's time I returned to using my bicycle. Before someone offers me some cheese to got with this whine I suppose I'd better log off for today.
Lone Survivor
2 days ago
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