Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

No Global Warming?

George Bush may question the authenticity of Global Warning but world events might give him pause to think about the definite possibility that it exists. I, for one need no convincing. A symbol of the Canadian Arctic that loaned its outline to North-West Territories license plates, the polar bear, may become extinct for lack of ice floes to enable it to hunt seals. The ice bridges that enabled trucking to northern communities in winter can no longer be trusted. Inuit in the High Arctic can no longer trust sea ice for transportation and hunting. Diseases, funguses, and moulds that were formerly unknown in Canada are managing to survive in our soil and crops over-winter and now threaten our health. For the second year in a row there will be no ice wine harvest in Canada as temperatures are not cold enough to support its harvest. And for the same reason I will not be able to store the contents of my deep freeze on my balcony while I defrost it this weekend.

In other news we learn of the hanging of a Koran-clutching Saddan Hussein. The dispatch with which this sentence was carried out by Islamic Justice seems remarkable considering that the appeal process in America would have delayed his execution by five to seven years. Methinks the Yankee Infidel may well live to rue the creation of such a martyr to the cause.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Twas the Week Before Christmas

Here it is Christmas Eve, ready or not. At least I got away without having to work this weekend. Last Sunday morning I went in to work for four hours and assisted Linda, a fellow employee, in sorting nearly 2000 Christmas Parcels. The good news is that I didn't have to deliver them. Indulged myself afterward with a Buffet Brunch at the Golden Griddle. When I got home learned that a friend had died and sort of felt like I'd had the stuffing knocked out of me. Any plans I'd had to get chores done fell by the wayside and the Euro-Christmas Broadcast--Joy to the World--lost all its lustre.

Even though we'd handled 25 monos of parcels Sunday Morning there were 30 more waiting to be sorted Monday Morning. I didn't have to work on those thank goodness. The ordinary pre-sorted mail and householders have slowed to a trickle so I spent my day doing odd jobs such as cleaning up the stock room. Enjoyed my afternoon nap and a quiet evening in front of the TV.

Tuesday was a light day in my department, but everything else went haywire. First I had to dig out the new microwave that had arrived months earlier and install it against the arrival of the Regional Director who we were warned would expect to see it in place. Getting the older heavy model out of the way was the bigger task--especially cleaning under it to which the janitor obviously doesn't attend. Then followed a generalized clean-up to ensure he wouldn't see anything he shouldn't see. While we were in the middle of that operation 4 new desks arrived for the office which required cleaning out the old ones and moving all their contents. In the middle of that chaos the Director and Area Manager arrived. Just as the furniture movers were cleaning up the technicians arrived with a new scissor lift they intended to install after removing the old one. They had a 2 hour window to complete the job before the next truck arrived. Must say I was thankful to get out of there and go home. Must admit it took some time after all that excitement to unwind, particularly since my Christmas Cheer is still at the LCBO.

Another quiet day in the mail staging department but I managed to find plenty of other chores to keep me busy, including streeting mail. There was a great deal of stir over the deficiencies of the new dock system. Luckily I don't have a great deal to do with it but I did agree that there were some bugs and that Christmas Time was a curious period to be making such major changes. Before I got to go home drove over to the Main Office and spent an hour and a half teaching one of my superiors how to do the Suburban Service Route Update Process. When I finally got there I felt I'd earned my afternoon nap.

Thursday. My actual assigned job was light. Spent some time topping up the rechargeable batteries on my equipment. They are emphatically not service free batteries--one takes a litre of water a week. Spent an hour and a half doing a superior's travel expenses--an entire year's worth! On the way home yesterday finally picked up the photo of my fellow workers I'd printed and had sent out for framing. Showed it around the office and when I finally got out of there took it to Milton to present it to Wendy Hammond. Met people who had formerly worked in Oakville over the years and nosed around the office--that doesn't take long. Sat in the shoe-box sized supervisor's office and presented Wendy with her gift. She appears to be content working there. From Milton I drove down Trafalgar Rd, via Derry all the way to Lakeshore and went over to the Korpriva-Turner Funeral Home for the visitation for Donald Bedard's Mother Betty. There being ten children in the family, 1000's of former students and fellow teachers and friends from church the place was rather busy. There are family members I barely recognized or have only met in passing but the feeling was warm and friendly. I was glad I went but too exhausted mentally and emotionally to sleep when I got home.

Friday. Began the day by making coffee. Then set to work at organizing Community Mailbox Keys for about a dozen sites. Helped set up the Christmas Goodies compliments of Canada Post. Spent only a brief time actually handling mail. Before I got out of there spent some time prompting another expense claim. Drove over to St. Dominic's in driving rain which started shortly after I arrived at work at 4:00 AM. Found the parking lot filled to over-flowing and followed the cars to alternate parking. Made it to the entrance just as the hearse arrived. The service was highly personal and the lengthy sermon was delivered as the priest walked among the congregation asking for audience participation. The coffin was sprinkled and incensed and the crowd dispersed. After the spread at work I had no room for the repast laid out in the parish room but I did pay my respects to the mourners before going home. Dropped back at the office in time to clean up after the guys who'd arrived to retrofit the new dock. It does work better now but will take some adjusting. Last Friday night was the Office Christmas Party which took place in Burlington at Skyway Plaza. When I made it home this Friday I collapsed in front of the TV and read my books. After the repast at work I didn't need to do any cooking.

Woke early and checked my E-mail, then went back to bed. When I did get up lacked any ambition. Spent the day catching up on and answering my E-mail, browsing the Web, listening to music and looking at online Boxing Day sales. Mid-afternoon, the sky being almost as black as night I went up and settled in to watch DVD's. Went to bed early and was awake again by midnight.

Spent a couple hours cleaning up my E-mail and reading electronic magazines. Then went back to bed. Woke in time to make it to Longos by 7:00 AM. Apparently others had the same idea. Somehow I managed to get most of my needs though I did forget salad greens. I've finally managed to wash up the dishes the dishwasher can't handle and will run the machine. Then, if I'm to have clean clothes to wear tomorrow I should run my washing machine. For breakfast I baked the Cheese and Spinach Pasta Rolls I picked up at Longos--their house brand. Good, but definitely not diet food. In cleaning up I discovered one bit of good news. I've done something right in the last nine months. My ovens needed only a brief cleaning with a wet dish cloth; I'll not need to run the cleaning cycle. And for those who know me this isn't for want of use.

The sun is putting in a watery visit today though we are promised a rainy Christmas. At least I won't have to skate over to my Danish Friend's Brunch. I should walk over to the other end of the building and check to see if anyone sent the Grinch a card by what others call snail mail. Actually I've heard many stories of next day delivery of late though it's impossible to please everyone, in particular the gal who claimed yesterday that Workman's Comp had told her that her cheque was in the mail--of course it is--in their mail room. I actually went and looked but my efforts would have been equally fruitful had I just gone for a coffee before telling her there was no mail in the office. Whatever, it's great to have four days to recover. I really should make the effort to attend Christmas Eve services tonight, though before I attempt to sit in a closely packed, overly warm, candlelit room I should have a lengthy afternoon nap.

To those who have made the effort to get this far:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Things Today's Teens Couldn't Handle!

Dirt roads
Thirty-Party Lines- 3 ring 11 and operator-dialed calls. Rotary dial phones.
Mechanical Adding Machines and mental arithmetic.
Making Fire
Oil Lamps
Winding the Alarm Clock
Licking Stamps
Winding up the Victrola
Twenty chocolate bars for a dollar
Standard Transmissions
Hand pumps
Shovelling Snow without a snow-blower
Waiting a week for a letter to be answered
No street lights
No airplanes
Slates and Graphite Pencils
Fountain Pens and Ink wells and quills
Carbon Paper
Cutting Stencils to make copy
Single-speed bikes

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Rule of Law

The past week has raised two issues with regard to law enforcement in Canada.

In the first one we learned this week that Canada's Chief Constable admitted to perjuring himself under oath before a Parliamentary Committee and subsequently was forced to resign. As a Canadian I'm embarrassed. What kind of image are we presenting to the world?

As the week ended we learned that the Robert Picton trial has reached the jury selection phase for a projected year-long trial. The spectre of anyone being forced to put their life on hold for more than a year to listen daily to the kind of gruesome details this trial is likely to reveal to my way of thinking is more than anyone's civic duty should obligate them to do. Should there be some limits placed on the right of trial by jury in such cases. Long before this trial is completed more than a few jurors are going to wish that this accused had died in a hail of bullets resisting arrest. The rest of us can be thankful that we are safe from the possibility of being convicted to such servitude as this man's peers.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Word to the Wise

For anyone who does a lot of domestic mailing through Canada Post now is the time to stock up on stamps. Canada Post has finally recognized that it is cheaper to accept 51¢ stamps next year after the rate increases to 52¢ than to print 1¢ stamps or go to the expense of returning short-paid letters. Therefore 51¢ stamps will be accepted after the increase takes effect next January and the latest issue lacks a denomination but rather bears a "P" indicating that these stamps will be accepted as basic first class postage in perpetuity. About time!

On Saints and Martyrs

Yes, I'm still here!

I've been reading E. J. Pratt's poetic account of the missionaries who manned St. Marie among the Hurons. Yes, I've been to Martyr's Shrine near Midland, Ontario and visited the rebuilt mission there but can't say I was moved to revere the relics. No one could contest the sense of mission these men had but in light of historic perspective the efficacy of their efforts has a new cast.

The politicians of the day in Paris and New France supported this mission primarily as a means of pacifying the natives. But whether or not these First Nations people needed Christ is open to question. Certainly from a cultural and environmental perspective they had no context with which to approach the Gospel that was being presented to them. What all first contact peoples did receive, even in advance of their coming, were the endemic European diseases—small pox, whooping cough, measles, chicken pox, polio, mumps, etc. These scourges were responsible for decimating entire populations. Perhaps the Mohawks were not entirely incorrect in declaring that these priests brought evil with them. What followed on the heels of the Missionaries were displacement by settlers, loss of livelihood, residential schools, and all the abuses that have so occupied the news in the last decade. Most First Nations are still lost in endless land claim negotiations. Their reserves are beset by sub-standard housing and sanitation, alcoholism, diabetes, obesity and chronic unemployment.

While no human should have to endure the cruelties visited upon these priests; I would question the zealotry that repeatedly sent these men back to almost certain death. Whether these men were Saints or miss-guided fanatics depends on your point of view. From today's First Nations People's viewpoint they did not need to be discovered, did not benefit from the suppression of their native heritage and language, and would prefer a viable living to government hand-outs.

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