Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Just How Broken Is Windows?

At the risk of being boring I’m going to revisit an old rant.  Over an hour ago I innocently opened my E-mail and read a cyber-alert regarding a necessary Windows Update.  When I ran Windows Update I discovered that my system required 28 MB of updates.  In effect, I’ve just installed an entirely new version of Windows.  If I’m not mistaken the entire Windows 98 operating system wasn’t much bigger than that!  No wonder Bill’s Boys in Redmond are so far behind in writing Windows Vista; they’re too busy writing repairs to keep the present OS limping along.  Make two guesses as to how fast Windows XP gets retired permanently once Vista comes out? 


If Windows gets much more bloated my present system will be inadequate to operate it much less do anything else.  As it is I had to hack into the system to disable all the new unnecessary services the new updates enabled by default.  If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have had any memory left to open Word.  Now that I’ve done all that and gotten that rant out of the way I’ll got back to the tasks I intended to get to an hour ago. 

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Moral Outrage

Beware; I’m in one of “those” moods tonight.  Just read in the trivia section of an Internet Movie Database entry a listing of the number of times the word, “fuck”, is used in a particular movie.  While I may decry censorship I see no reason why the arts should be used as a vehicle to inure the public to that which is considered crude in polite society.  I also fail to see why it is necessary to portray on screen, acts that are by their very nature considered private.  Okay, maybe I’m prudish about these things but so is society.  On the one hand we graphically portray violence, sex, and cruelty in movies and on the other we “X” Rate them, meaning that everyone who attends them must pay an adult entrance fee.  Psychiatrists treat the witnessing of the “primal scene” by children as a traumatic event in Western Society while the 80 % of the world that lives in one-room huts goes on producing babies somehow.   


It matters not whether a disembodied voice thundered the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai or incised them in tablets with a laser-like hand; they were enshrined in the Bible because they made good sense.  They made such good sense that rabbinical scholars wrote 600 closely-packed pages of interpretations called the Talmud.  The spread of Sexually Transmitted Diseases tends to prove that intimate relations outside of a committed relationship are not good for one.  How many are treated for premature ejaculation because their first sexual experience was learned in the back seat of a car or in a family room attempting to evade detection?  The fellow worker who espoused the “3 W’s”—whip it in, whip it out, wipe it off—is presently without spouse. 


The most important improvements to overall health were not made in 12-hour open-heart surgeries but in basic sanitation, clean drinking water, and proper nutrition; in fact the death rate actually decreases when doctors go on strike.  The present generation now reaching maturity will be the first in a century that will have a shorter life-expectancy than their parents.  This is almost totally due to lack of exercise and obesity; both eminently preventable conditions.  We need to stop visiting our doctors for a pharmalogical cure to all our ills and start taking responsibility for our own health.  The same can be said for our mental, spiritual, and moral health. 


While I’m not going to say that everyone should attend church on Sunday it is no coincidence that suicide among people who regularly went to confession was virtually unknown.  I’m not out to convert the world to my particular brand of Christianity; but I do believe that everyone needs a sense of self-worth, their place in the world, and a feeling that their life has meaning.  It is when people can only define their sense of their own importance in terms of the people to whom they feel superior that prejudice and injustice become acceptable.  What I find objectionable about the increasing use of foul language, violence, sexual predation, and obscenities in movies, TV, video games, music, and everyday life is the fact that increased exposure tends to make the average person find them increasingly acceptable.  That’s the same slippery slope that had the Romans watching the games at the Coliseum while the Huns invaded the hinterland and eventually sacked Rome. 


Sunday, October 01, 2006

Back to Work Blues

Suddenly I’m feeling old. I’ve had a month’s vacation to unwind—or try to; practice the fine art of doing nothing; watch movies—job accomplished; read books—if only I could stay awake when I curl up with one; clean the apartment—headway made but still a work in progress; and clean out my larder. I’ve spent a month attempting to cocoon and live without my watch, alarm clock, and the calendar.

Today I finally had to go shopping to replenish my fridge. I did manage to get it cleaned out mind you. Went to my local green grocer—Longos. The first thing that hit me when I walked in was the loud obnoxious background music they were playing—it’s supposed to be background I’d have thought and I’d never paid it any attention before; I was told it was the oldies of the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s—somehow it missed me. The other jarring notes were the price tags—everything seems to have increased in price by 50¢ to a dollar. I’m going to have to make a trip up-country to find some fresh corn. I suppose grocers feel the need to supply the public what they want but the public who feel the need to get their corn pre-shucked in a plastic wrapped tray are woefully ignorant of the science of plant biology.

Not everything has increased in price mind you. The price of gasoline has gone from the high of 109.9¢ a litre to 79.9—don’t pretend to understand that one but I’m not fighting it.

There’s got to be a sadistic side to some of my acquaintances. No less than three people have felt it necessary in the last few days to remind me that I have to go back to work tomorrow. What is this fascination with my return to servitude? When I retire they’ll have to find something else to write about. Let’s get rid of the other major conversation topic—the weather. September has been a cold, thunderstorm prone, overcast, rainy month. To mark my return to work the sun is scheduled to put in an appearance tomorrow, though rain will arrive by evening. Mind you at the hour I start it will be dark when I arrive at work.

Re-assembled my year 2000-vintage Netvista IBM computer and wiped the hard disc to see if installing Windows 98 SE would work better than the Me OS that came installed on it. Sadly during the install process the registry became corrupted—I was unable to open Windows Explorer. Something definitely rotten in the State of Denmark there, that computer was definitely a lemon destined for the scrap pile of history. My friend Ernie Caron is shaking his finger at me from Heaven—having coached me through my early days of computer literacy he’ll be reminding me that computers are definitely a great means to waste time. Given the money I’d invested in that machine I just had to make one more attempt to see if it was good for anything. Remarkably the IBM website still has the drivers available online for that computer but given its performance I have no trouble understanding why IBM is no longer in the PC Business.

Made the politically incorrect purchase of some Schneider’s Bacon when I was out shopping so now it’s time I had my bacon, eggs, toast and coffee brunch. At least I won't be toasting my bread in bacon fat as I once watched a Scotish friend do. Hope you have a good day as well.

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