Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

On Canadian Soil as Last

Spent last weekend in Port Angeles admiring the view of the snow-capped Olympic Mountain Range in the distance when it wasn’t shrouded in fog and mist. Even managed a few decent pictures. Got my propane tank refilled and the RV pumped out. Got the bicycle down and did a bit of cycling though the city is a considerable distance and several steep hills away so I didn’t get that far. Spent some time talking with the owners and their young employee. He’s an artist and I enjoyed talking with him. Cute as well. The Koreans who were in residence were absolute slobs. Two boys snuck down by my RV to smoke outside my tinted windows. Church on Sunday was an experience. Palms in this warmer climate are fresh for Palm Sunday. The organ is under repair so music was a flute and piano. In lieu of sermon an actress gave a dramatic recitation of the entire Passion story from the Last Supper to the Entombment.

Much of my remaining time was spent getting my affairs in order to cross customs Monday Morning. After the expected predawn unhooking and the hurry up and wait at the dock the crossing was smooth as glass and uneventful. Customs was perfunctory but I sat and waited a considerable time to get ‘service’ at the customs shed. Suppose it could have been worse—don’t believe they checked anyone including myself in detail. After all that I was not moved to kiss Canadian Soil.

After six months it’s an adjustment to see speed limits in kilometres. Since I made payments with a credit card I didn’t have to think about Canadian Funds but at least these bills will not be subject to conversion. My chosen campground was on the North Saanich Peninsula on a winding narrow paved road beside a Saanich Indian Reservation. I opted to spend a week here not wishing to attempt finding a site over the long weekend. Once I’d settled I pretty much collapsed in relief.

Yesterday after first seeing Viewmaster Reels over 50 years ago got to visit Butchart Gardens. Highways around here are narrow and encroached by hedges and plantings. Seniors using walkers are everywhere. The road into Butchart is narrow, winding, and broken. Buses use a separate entrance. The gardens was in off-season but still an experience. Spring bulbs and early shrubs were in blossom. The Sunken Gardens were a highlight. The noise from the construction of a Carousel added little to the experience. Gardeners seemed to be everywhere and getting pictures without people in them impossible. I did enjoy the dancing watershow.

Dancing Waters at Butchart Gardens

A two-hour wait for lunch decided that I wouldn’t be having their over-priced food. A gift and seed shop with everything Butchart was complemented by a plant identification centre.

Discovered the local church is worshipping in Victoria on Thursday. Parking at the local grocery stores was cramped and unavailable so I drove home. Today, Wednesday I’ll attempt to cycle up.

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