Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Week One in Austin Texas 2013

Hotter than I’d remembered but I arrived later in the season in previous years and it is warmer. Good to have air conditioning and ceiling fans. It’s the first time I’ve ever slept with a ceiling fan running.

Backing up I left Palo Duro near Canyon, Texas and drove down to Abilene through Lubbock known as being Buddy Holly’s birthplace. Aside from wind farms and pump-jacks cotton is king here though this year the plants are so short one wonders how the equipment will manage once harvest begins. Abilene KOA was a disappointment. The drought made pecans not worth the effort and the Wi-Fi was pitiful. Left before dawn next morning, Friday October 25th, taking I-20 East to Texas 183 which led me south the 200 miles to Austin. The clear sky turned pink in the East before the sun rose in my driver’s window. Driving at 70 on a two-lane takes some getting used to. Fortunately I had the road almost entirely to myself. A few slower zones for small towns and stop signs but most traffic goes East to I-35 it would seem. Eventually the road becomes a four-lane divided highway though not limited access. I saw no traffic until I was 25 miles from Austin.

I stopped for a few necessities in Lampasas and had the line-up been shorter would have gotten gasoline at the HEB there at $2.85/gallon. Skipped the 183 tollway and drove through Leander and the other suburbs until I reached Austin. Made it by 10:30. The driveway was clear and the house airing. Hooked up with George to go for BBQ. Later a shower felt very good and a bed that doesn’t rock when one turns over or the wind blows even better. Alas no coyotes yipping and howling as in Palo Duro two nights earlier and certainly a lot noisier.

Worship Sunday at 8:15. I do live across from the church. For once got to listen to the choir from a pew. Went home to read the comix. Spent the afternoon at the Cap City Comedy Club where the Austin Traditional Jazz Society had their 3 hour concert. Good Jazz but a seat in a crowded venue gets hard after 3 hours. Joined Wes and Flo for that trip. Again not much time to move in.

Monday finally got a chance to join George at the church office and catch up online. Uploaded pictures I’ll insert here later. Went for gasoline and dishwasher soap in the afternoon and dropped down to Pecan Grove RV Park to renew acquaintances. Rob and Carol are retiring after 20 years as managers there.

Tuesday online early then off to Mann’s Smokehouse for BBQ. Finally a chance to move a few things into the house where I’m living. Finished reading a book.

Wednesday more time online after helping prepare 500 church newsletters for mailing, then home for lunch and back to church for cookies and coffee. Wednesday Connections begins with Dinner at 5:30 then Spanish Class. Eucharist followed by choir. A Thunderstorm came up while we were in the church balcony. It continued to rumble and flash all night dropping up to a foot of rain in some areas. Two people are known to have drowned in flooding in South-East Austin but the Lake Travis reservoir rose 20 feet in the run-off. It’s still 40 ft below optimum level. Thursday morning low water crossings were flooded, schools closed, and traffic chaotic.

Thursday finally got an opportunity to do some serious moving in after Chef’s Salad at Pok-E-Joes with George. Read a paper copy of the Austin Chronicle and got out to walk the neighbourhood. Collecting litter is part of the gigue.

Friday finally got down to the Hancock Centre 5 miles from here and shopped at the HEB there. Things have been moved around somewhat though I dread the renovation I learned is coming in January. With some help found everything I needed. Coffee has been moved to the Deli section and one gets to weigh and price one’s own beans. Managed to get there without my GPS but navigating Austin Roads is still a pain. Went to Mann’s for BBQ and ice cream after unpacking. Set up my bird feeders adding a new one for Niger Seed; then swept the floor inside my house. Got online to pay my bills mid-afternoon. Cleaned 2 dozen votive candles for lighting during All Saints observance Sunday. Cooked Quinoa in a rice cooker; made pea soup in the slow cooker earlier in the week.

I’m still getting awakened at 2:00 AM by the fleet departure from SAIA Warehouse and Trucking next door. I saw one of their trucks in Ohio. Hence I’m here writing this at 5:00 on a Saturday morning.

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