Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Playing catchup

The liabilities of bearing your father's names, of being Junior, The Third in a line of like-named family members had never occurred to me until I heard Sherman Alexie talk about standing at the foot of his father's grave as the coffin is lowered and seeing his name on the tombstone as it comes into view. At issue is personhood, of having an identity that is uniquely one's own not to mention the pressure of living up to the reputation attached to that name and the apprehension of failure if you don't to live up to those expectations.

Ben Mulroney to cohost morning TV. Son of The Jaw that walks like a man, until the Harpie Canada's most despised Prime Minister. Fortunately we have the option of ignoring the son. Remember, a biography of Mila was first remaindered and then pulped because no one wanted to read it.

Taylor Lautner. His dimpled chin and bulging bis and pecs got him through 4 episodes of Twilight. Unfortunately there's more to acting than flashing a cute smile and flexing sans shirt.

Woodstock, Ontario. What makes it a hotbed for teen suicide? I've been there. A sleepy little town with no major industrial operations surrounded by farmland on all sides. 

 Prudery in NA

If you want to see the difference pick up a European Magazine at a specialty news stand. Even in America sex sells in advertising and social media sites are full of pictures of teenage boys proudly showing off their boners and girls show little more discretion.

Contrast this with the screaming meanies that occur when some repressed harridan catches sight of a mother discretely breast feeding her infant on a bus, in a mall, or a restaurant. And then there's the phenomenon of children expressing revulsion at the sight of their parents sharing physical affection or horrors stumbling upon them "doing it". Just how do they think they got into the world. In third world countries where an entire family and their livestock count themselves lucky to have a single roof over their heads children are not scarred for life by witnessing "the primal scene". Nudism and clothing optional beaches are no cause for excitement outside America. Contrast this with Muslim cultures where only family members are allowed to see their female relatives and women appear in public, if at all, covered from head to foot lest they tempt the appetites of a man. 

Canada Day

I'm visiting this site on CBC:

To Peter Mansbridge, I have one of those RCMP pocket knives.

To Jay Baruchel, my flag will ever be the Canadian Ensign under which generations of Canadian Soldiers fought and died.

To Kim Campbell, recent scandals have tarnished the image of our once proud RCMP: the commissioner convicted of perjury – lying to Parliament, the deaths, their image including knives such as Mansbridge's sold by Disney.

To Joseph Boyden, early trains were indeed flying bombs – large boilers of high-pressure super-heated steam.

To Murray Sinclair, I regret the past and have met people subjected to residential schools. Schools in general throughout North America need to promote true learning and teach students to think for themselves. The school I attended was a place of rigid conformity, ringing buzzers and lines of students heading from class to class.

Anthems tend to jingoistic, martial affairs with unsingable ranges and tunes. They are what they, I just wish they'd leave it alone so I can remember the lyrics dated though they may be.

To Charlotte Gray, humour and the art of the insult are credited with being one of the pillars of all civilization. The attempt to reach accommodation rather then reach for a gun is so Canadian.

Elizabeth Hay, frugality, practicality, ingrained in me since birth. Making do rather than grasping for more.

Like the founders of this nation I may not agree with all those opinions but I defend the right to hold them and join with all in affirming a country that logically cannot exist but has despite that for nearly 150 years.

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