Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

June Rant 2017

Hate mongers such as Ernest Zundel, alas a Canadian, have long promoted the anti-Semitic agenda that states that the systematic liquidation of 6 million Jews under the Hitler Regime during WW#2 and at least 3 million gays, Roma, mentally challenged never happened. I suppose it shouldn't surprise us that gun lobbyists are now claiming that atrocities such as the Sandy Hook Massacre was created by actors as a ruse to encourage anti-gun legislation. Ironic then that a group of Republican NRA supporters were recently targeted by gun violence.

That the gun-man was in part protesting the Trump Presidency, a movement I could get behind, serves only to show that such violence begets only more violence and serves solely to damage the cause.

At the same time a group of protesters enacted a Handmaids Tale like silent sit-in at a hearing that would lead to legislation making planned parenthood, access to birth control, and abortion more difficult for women. Restricting reproductive care for women hardly seems motivated by Christian Love.

Misogyny in all its forms is alive and well in our society. I find it ironic that mothers, too many of them members of single-parent families are responsible for raising male chauvinist pigs.

In a world that is rapidly running out of resources to support its burgeoning population women who remain single, couples who choose to be childless, and birth control measures are receiving social and legislative support. In this context I fail to understand what fears motivate homophobia. What threats do gays pose? Sexual predation is an equal opportunity crime.

I may find points of disagreement with my Muslim Brothers but so long as they do not attempt to impose them on me or any other unwilling individuals they are welcome to practice their faith in my neighbourhood. Remember, it was Muslims who opposed the introduction of Sharia Law to Canada.

The cheap clothing you buy at Wal-Mart may well have been produced in a Sweat Shop in Bangladesh which employs women and children at starvation wages in appallingly unsafe conditions over long hours. Similar strategies motivate resistance to increased minimum wages, legislation governing safe working conditions, hours of work, work-breaks, over-time pay and unions that support such causes.... Even supposedly good Christians refuse to engage in the discussion as too politically controversial. Human rights have always been political.

Remind the Donald Trumps of this world that the greatness of any nation is defined by its treatment of the most vulnerable members of its society. Residents of an apartment that was home to those on social welfare for years complained about the dangerous conditions in their high-rise apartment home. Last night the building turned into a towering 22-storey inferno in London. Even in Toronto careless smokers tossing lit cigarette butts off balconies are responsible for a massive number of apartment fires. Smokers have a dreadful habit of treating the environment as their private ashtray. How often have you seen matches and butts fly from open windows of cars on the highway and how many of those and broken glass are responsible for grass and forest fires?

The theme in all of this is individual responsibility for collective welfare. No man is an island but part of the main. Love for the divine however it is you conceive of her/him, and love for fellow man is a central tenet of all great religions. It's time one nation under God remembered that.

Much has been made of the need for increased defense spending of late. How about redirecting those funds to universal health care, drug plans, guaranteed annual income, safe housing, clean water, education.... Reduce the war on drugs and crime and spend the funds on making people's lives safe, healthy, and meaningful. If you want to stimulate the economy put more funds in the hands of the poor, reducing taxes on the rich who already own more than they can find room for will only serve to increase the divide between wealth and poverty.

Do we need increased police budgets and even more invasive security measures, or should we work to improve the lives of those who are attracted to terrorist causes and lives of crime so that such measures are unnecessary. Got to love the rich kid who complains that his parent's taxes are going to go up to support the building of a community swimming pool when he already has one in his back yard.


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