Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weekly Rant 2008-05-31

Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.

Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows.

David T. Wolf (1943 - )

Today is the last day of May 2008. Hard to believe. As the saying goes it’s an ill wind that blows no one any good. The warm spell we’ve experienced the latter part of this past week went out with a bang last night with a thundering episode of Odin banging his sledgehammer against the roof of the world accompanied by buckets of cats and dogs raining from the sky. At least it served to keep my rowdy neighbours indoors rather than under my balcony window. Company I can do without.

The closer I get to retirement the more I long for that day and the lower my tolerance for the bureaucratic nonsense that is Canada Post becomes. It took an entire week to get a Group Mailbox placed and when it did arrive the contractors placed it half a mile from its intended resting place on a parallel street. Add to that the frustration of being just under two months from my departure date and still waiting for the first shred of the mountain of paperwork that is bound to arrive eventually. It’s not that I didn’t give them plenty (six months) notice—why would the corporate we plan for anything. With one-third of their employees reaching retirement age in the next five years it would never occur to them that they should train people to out-process those who have given such long faithful service.

Despite the rain this weekend I should attack the remaining mountain of laundry I have been essaying the last two weekends. Keeping ahead of it is a losing battle as the pile grows daily. Despite my pile of new DVD’s I switched back this week to VHS and watched The Rock with Sir Sean and Copycat with a fav of mine Dermot Mulroney. Those old tapes looked good on my widescreen. On Thursday I finally broke down and went shopping. The experience re-enforced my reticence in the first place; everywhere I went the goods I was looking for had been moved, there was remodeling in process, unresponsive sales staff, and products changed or no longer available. When I finally made it home there was the struggle to lug everything through locked doors, an elevator, and then the unpacking.

Happenings in the world at large make me reluctant to listen to the news. Every time I turn around there seems to be word of another monster development, the latest being a massive two tower apartment complex that would replace the decommissioned Extendicare Centre on Lyons Lane adjoining Trafalgar Village Shopping Mall. On the banks of the Sixteen Mile Creek Ravine this is a prime location; unfortunately it is also mere feet from the QEW. Beside this proposed complex is a Heritage Cemetery whose deteriorating condition is highlighted in the same edition of that newspaper along with news of an enormous drug bust on Wyecroft Rd not far from our office. I needed neither newspaper nor other media to be aware of the latest collision at Marlborough Court and Trafalgar Road Friday afternoon; the sound of rending metal was audible from my seat here in front of this computer, the clangor of fire trucks, ambulances and police followed. Speaking of automobiles, word came this week that Volkswagon is developing a vehicle that can park itself enabling the owner to squeeze into that narrow parking space.

On a personal level I’ve been feeling tired lately. Shopping took a great deal out of me, whatever my orientation my maleness with regard to an abhorrence of shopping is very much intact. Now that the trees are fully leafed out only the pines remain as a source of pollen and grasses begin their seasonal peak. Some garbage I didn’t get to the garbage chute in a timely manner has led to an outbreak of fruit flies; now I have to wait until the progeny die out and take care lest they find somewhere else to breed. I did say I was feeling lethargic and unproductive didn’t I, the fruit flies apparently don’t suffer from my ennui. Now I must go fold last weekend’s laundry, wash up my kitchen, get out my washing machine, and recommence hostilities against dirt.

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