Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Moving Into May

May 4 Entries

If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time you’ll notice a distinct change. For some reason when I post my entries by E-mail Blogger scrambles the text changing the font, its colour and size. In attempting to correct these problems I appear to have upset my template and therefore to correct that problem I decided to change my template and in doing so lost my links. When I find the time I'll re-instate them. If I were an HTML whiz I could probably have cleaned up the template but as I m not this seems the path of least resistance. I tend to find the present format a better fit for my verbose writing style. If you've visited my Movie Blog I must apologize for the fact that I haven t made time to upload the usual covers.

This past one has been number 13 in my count-down of the last weeks of my working life. I have 145 days to go to the actual retirement day but I'll be taking my annual leave in those last weeks. I began this week attempting to assemble two new modular letter carrier cases. Part way through the second one I discovered there were 150 pieces missing; when I went online I discovered I'm only allowed to order 50 at one time. The case can’t be use without all the pieces. Retirement can’t come soon enough. Thursday I managed to pull off a breakfast for the entire office crew though someone else did most of the work. Friday I took off work early and had lunch with friends but ended up back at work fixing up a case. When you order in outside help count on it they will show up at the least convenient time. The guy finished repairing a case at 3:15 and only then could I start putting the new case plan into it. Retirement looks very good.

My friend claims the Clinton/Obama contest is a set piece designed to keep the Democrats in the public eye; that the backroom boys have already decided the outcome; and that the media are in on the joke. Guess I m going to have to wait until this fall to see the outcome with the rest of the world.

This part of the world has been enjoying a wave of cold air for the last week along with some much needed rain. Seeing a bit of sun tomorrow will not go amiss.

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