Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

If Life is a Bowl of Cherries Why

If parts of this entry fail to make sense remember; I had to break down last night and start taking an anti-histamine. Matters finally reached the point at which I had to decide that my reactions to tree pollen were sufficiently severe that taking the drugs wouldn’t make me feel worse. I know that for peak effectiveness I should have started taking the things about 10 days ago but I wasn’t ready to feel that dunderheaded at that point. I also had to come down this morning and switch my furnace back to heat—I felt cold in bed last night. Heck, there’s even snow in the forecast for later this week and a call for some form of precipitation every day except Sunday. At least I managed to sleep in this morning; I’m so lethargic I’ll need a coffee to find enough energy to brush my teeth.

Regarding the week that was what can I say? I keep putting off shopping so I ate out three times. I’m not sure that there’s that much difference in cost except to my waistline. I tend to eat everything put before me disliking the thought of wasting good food. On Tuesday I had to drag my weary bones down to Town Hall—I walked down and got a ride back—to attend a committee of adjustment hearing. We attended to beat up, metaphorically, on the local bar owner who would like to establish a beer garden out back. Given its location it could be argued that it would have minimal impact on my building but 60 more drunks are 60 more drunks. We get to have a say in this matter because adding the extra commercial space would exceed the landlord’s allowable maximum. If the landlord wants to close down the Burger King with its drive-through window open until 4 AM we could live with the beer garden and he wouldn’t need our indulgence. Them’s fighting words! Our position won the day on a tie vote but the matter had us holding our breaths for three hours until 10 PM. For the rest, despite day’s worth of new DVD’s I decided to rewatch several movies I’ve already seen. At least that way if I fall asleep I won’t miss anything.

At work I’ve been busy typing up tie-out sheets for RSMC routes. Every time the delivery service people throw in a new call at a Community Mailbox Site, (CMB), they upset the tie-out list. I’ve also been retyping the Mobile Route’s list of customers; this was last done in 2002 or earlier. Getting the addresses and business names of 1500 customers correct is no small task but once I retire I don’t give it being done again much chance. Mid-week a functionary from Canada Post showed up with case plans I’d submitted as far back as January whining that his office is backed up to October and that we used administrative influence to jump the cue. There aren’t enough onions around to make me raise a tear for him. I worked hard to have those plans ready in time and get nasty looks daily because they didn’t show up when expected. I’ve also been sorting through junk stored in various corners of the building to clean out materials we’ll never use that are just occupying space. I know, I know, I’m the last person who should be disturbing furniture buried under up to half an inch of dust but no one else would do it. I am winning. After our superintendent complained to upper management about the quality of cleaning in our dump we received more attention from our cleaners in the last week than we’ve received in the last 6 months. This weekend they’re going to strip and refinish the floors in our work area. I warned everyone to put away things they’d miss if they disappeared but I fully expect to hear wails of woe come Monday morning.

Now, if I want to hear my antique clock strike I suppose I’d better go wind it. Before I can have another coffee I need to go buy some so after I brush those teeth a road trip would seem to be in order. Wal-Mart here I come.

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