Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

From April 12th

Once again I got awakened at 2:30 AM by the drunks from the bar across the way. To add insult to injury yesterday I received notice that its owners are taking another kick at the cat to obtain permission to open an adjacent beer garden—they tried previously 5 years ago. I strongly resent the evenings I’m going to have to drag myself out to meetings on the subject and the fact that my public appearances will make me unwelcome at a local restaurant I might otherwise patronize now that I can do so without dying of smoke inhalation.

I have a parcel to pick up at my local Postal Outlet. The ecologist in me tells me I should walk down to pick it up for the good of the planet and my health; the fog and rain I see from my balcony window and the aches in my joints make driving down a more appealing option. It’s Saturday morning and I’m picking away at my weekend chores and exploring the web. In the background Weekend America from last weekend is playing on iTunes. Next up will be CBC’s Quirks and Quarks; interestingly enough the show becomes available for download nearly 12 hours before it is broadcast on radio. Among my chores are unloading the dishwasher so I can load the dirty dishes into it; cleaning up what won’t go in it and then doing laundry when the coast is clear.

In writing this I’m still struggling with my laptop’s keyboard which has distinct differences from my desktop computer’s; in particular the location of the shift keys. I’m using a Bluetooth mouse so I could use its mated keyboard, I just haven’t decided how to manoeuvre the various bits and pieces and the wires that connect the other peripherals.

From April 20th

Went exploring and discovered the cost of designer denim. Who in their right mind pays over $300.00 for a pair of jeans? I noticed a pair on the minute frame of Toronto documentary film maker Rob Stewart and they seem to be the rage at Venice Beach but young people obviously have too much disposable income Since most of their models come in 30 to 32 inch waists only, only the young could possibly squeeze into them.

Last week I read about an eighty-year-old who went hiking in Cape Breton Highlands National Park and called search and rescue on his cell phone when he got played out and decided he couldn’t walk back out on his own power. Saturday two teens decided to climb Scarborough Bluffs and got stuck part way up. It took thirty firemen and seven trucks an hour to rescue them. What would their parents say if the city presented them each with a $1000.00 bill for that little rescue? Among my catch-phrases are, “There are no laws against stupidity,” and “Common sense isn’t very common.” With more and more people unable to judge their own capabilities and getting themselves lost and injured in wild areas the costs incurred in rescuing them are sky-rocketing. No one should be surprised that search and rescue agencies want to pass these costs along to the perpetrators of this stupidity.

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