Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


It’s been the week that was. No, not much logic involved. The president of Canada Post got up early to rally her supervisory troops by conference call. We had Employee Appreciation Day complete with green and white streamers, balloons, coffee and donuts—I know, I set it all up single-handedly. We got the how we did speech and today I got handed my bonus statement. Please note it is not negotiable. No word on why my efforts are worth $10.00 less than others. I also got my money laid out to supply all the above goodies.

The first part of the week I managed to hit my home weight room and get out for some walks around the neighbourhood. I even made $.50 in returnable beer can deposits. Although I live across the road from Sheridan College it’s been some time since I graced the campus. Got to have a look at the newish student residence—from the outside; and stand on the mountain of dirt that was excavated to build the structure. It’s taller than the building itself. Walked over the half-acre sized small hill of chipped wood stored near the fitness centre; if they don’t do something with it now that the thaw has arrived it’s going to get rather funky. Smiled for the surveillance cameras which have sprouted everywhere and restrained myself from waving at the campus cop in the little truck? There are still windrows of snow holding out in the parking lot. Today I worked late so when I awoke at 8:30 the prospect of going outside lacked much appeal. It is still 44º F though.

On my way home stopped off for fish and chips at the Niblick at Upper Oakville Plaza and noted the 3-storey mountain of snow there has receded to merely 5 feet. The traffic around this ‘town’ is getting to be a bit much. That situation is not likely to improve as a drive around North Oakville today shows that the building boom continues apace. Before the year is out we will have Suburban Service Route 58 west of Bronte Rd on the old Golf Course; Route 59 in Lakeshore Woods at Burloak and Lakeshore Rd W; and Route 60 South-West of Bronte and Dundas. No word on how we’re going to squeeze all those new cases into our office.

Lately I’ve been rewatching some of the movies in my growing collection. At least that way if I rest my eyes during the show I don’t miss anything.

It’s spring and the tradition of busy times at the mortuary continues—the other peak time is Christmas. Received word of the death of a former customer who was in her mid-eighties. I saw her in Hopedale Mall just a few weeks ago. And the death of the wife of a retired fellow employee. Suppose I won’t dwell on that overmuch. Given that I’ve delivered mail in every corner of Oakville that gets door-to-door service I know thousands of people.

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