Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Comments on the World at Large

Finally some commentary on events in the world at large so in no particular order here goes:

Toronto Libraries have quietly rescinded the ban on drinks and food in their buildings—Chapters/Indigo has a lot to answer for. Ironically that latter establishment allows people to litter their stacks with coffee cups but bans books and magazines from their in-house coffee shops. My first paying job having been shelving books in a college library you may imagine for yourself my take on the matter.

The US Supreme Court has struck down the District of Columbia’s Gun Ban as being unconstitutional under the 2nd Amendment. Charlton Heston may be resting more securely in his grave after that landmark decision which is more than can be said for the rest of us. That city sees a gun-related murder nearly every two days hence America’s Law Makers pay a hefty price for the right to bear arms. Perhaps if one of those august justices were gunned down or a prominent Senator opinions might change. Here’s a gallows humour joke that paints yet another picture:

St. Peter is at the Pearly Gates checking up on the people waiting

to enter Heaven.

He asks the next one in line, "So, who are you, and what did you do

on Earth?"

The fellow says, "I'm Barack Obama, and I was the first black to be

elected President of the United States"

St. Peter says, "The U.S.? A black President? You gotta be kidding

me! When did this happen?"

Obama says, "About twenty minutes ago."

Toronto City Police did a Road Safety Blitz recently pulling over tractor trailers and moving vans. Four out of five trucks examined had safety issues including unsafe loads, insufficient breaking power, and steering wheel play. A quarter of the trucks were pulled off the road on the spot. The next time you feel dwarfed by one of those behemoths you may feel just a mite queasy. Think twice before you pull in front of one. Rising fuel prices can only have served to exacerbate an already tenuous situation. Filling out a pre-trip inspection form may seem tedious bureaucracy but it at least holds the driver responsible for having checked his vehicle and its load. In a related story School Bus Companies are attempting to re-open School Board Contracts due to rising fuel prices. School Boards already strapped for cash are reluctant to oblige. Remember the Toronto School Board is closing the city swimming pools they are responsible for in protest. Wealthy taxpayers who already finance their own backyard pools may be resistant to being taxed for public pools but will pay the price in civil unrest due to lack of services for the less well-heeled.

Mini-Me sues over Sex Tape.

Which begs the question, if he didn’t want it to become public fodder why did he make it in the first place? Sounds like a publicity stunt to me. For some there is no such thing as bad press.

Finally a good news story. Those who live in cottage country may have encountered the phenomenon that is an osprey nest. These fishing eagles prefer an eyrie plunked on top of the tallest freestanding structure they can find that affords a 360ยบ view of their territory. In Nova Scotia this often places them in conflict with Nova Scotia Power’s transmission towers. In response to the challenge this utility has found unique solutions including the addition of a platform raised a safe distance above the wires. The Osprey being the Province’s Official Bird Nova Scotia Power has dedicated significant resources to its preservation. Moving a three hundred pound loosely thrown together aggregation of sticks and grass is not a minor undertaking. To eaves drop on a nesting pair and their chick as well as watch a relocation video follow the link below. For those who notice such things the environmental officer is a cute pie.

Now for the sake of the author’s ego if you are reading this blog leave some constructive comments. Here’s your opportunity Giuseppe.

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