Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

September Bile

So what is it about these 6' 5” country music artists? Is it the thinner air up there or are they bumping their heads on low hanging objects?

Is it just me or have there been a plethora of celebrity deaths of late? Possibly I'm paying attention because many on them are Baby Boomers and hence my age but most recently W.P. Kinsella and Edward Albee were 88.

Just when I'm thinking of traveling South the Canadian Dollar starts dropping in value—from 78¢ to 75. At least the price of gasoline is down as well.

A Line from Ed Burns She's the One

You don't believe in God.
That doesn't mean I'm not a good Catholic.

A few scenes later the priest is out on the boat fishing with that good Catholic.

You've heard of the BetaMax Video recording system, the one that lost out to the inferior VHS system. I remember seeing the sell-off of BetaMax titles when video rental stores stopped carrying them. You remember video rental stores? Well it's just been announced that the last company producing VHS Players has ceased production. Of course the latest battle was between BluRay and HD Video on DVDs. Well SD cards may soon be capable of storing an entire TV season on a single card at an affordable price. All this is being made irrelevant by video streaming services that have seen stores such as Best Buy cease selling DVDs almost completely. Having trouble keeping up?

Why do I listen to the news? Another terrorist bombing this week and yet another Hollywood divorce in the works. Why do they bother? Hollywood weddings should come with a best before termination date renewable by mutual consent.

Reading about Royal Tours leaves one in no doubt that it must be difficult for them to confront the reality of their subject's daily lives. Everywhere they go streets are repaved for them, lawns painted green if they weren't already, garbage collected and houses repainted. Their days are filled with celebrations, exciting sights and events, things to do and see, cheering crowds. Could they get more remote from reality. Well, there is Donald Trump.

Catholic Church in Alberta to refuse to conduct funerals for assisted suicides.

Just got online to figure out how Air Miles is screwing over the public with its expiry policy.

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