Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Contemplating the Future.doc

An old man was lying on his death bed, wishing for one more pleasure out of life. Suddenly, he smelled the scent of cookies coming from the kitchen. With all the strength left in him, he made his way to the kitchen, where his wife was busy baking. It took all he had to reach out for a cookie. Just when he got his hands on one, his wife slapped him on the wrist. "Leave those alone," she said. "They're for the funeral."

“The Holy Catholic Church will be truly universal when a Black Pope is pregnant in the Vatican.”





Just a little humour and provocative philosophy to begin.


Outside my window the sun periodically makes a week attempt at breaking through the cloud cover; the thermometer sits barely on the plus side of freezing.  Got ambitious earlier today and walked down to the local RPO to pick up a parcel from that was being held for me there.  I had the forethought to take a backpack with me as it was quite bulky.  My get-up-and-go persisted and I now have a batch up Lemon Poppy-Seed Bread set up in my breadbaker; pork chops marinating in the fridge; and creamy scalloped potatoes simmering in the slow cooker.  Guess we know what I’ll be eating this week. 


Just finished doing data entry for my latest purchases.  When you own as many books, DVD’s and CD’s as I do the only way to keep track of them with an aging memory such as my own is to record them in a database of some kind.  I began by using a Works Suite Database but I now use Collectorz software to automate the task somewhat.  Unfortunately I haven’t taken time to convert the thousands of previous entries so I now have two sets of records. 


I continue to plan for a gypsy like existence after retirement and to prove I’m serious about an RV Lifestyle I’ve invested in RV Vacations for Dummies.  I’ve also ordered a copy of Woodall’s North American Campground Guide for 2008. 


Just another observation.  To judge by the number of pizza flyers that get dropped in my mailbox someone must be of the opinion that the world lives off pizza.  It is conceivably that this is true for some of the student residents in my building who lease from absentee owners but personally, if I eat pizza I make it myself. 




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