Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We're in Texas Now

Since I've been relating with each state I crossed the number of miles of I-10 it possesses I will comment that the great state of Texas begins at milepost 880. Things are definitely bigger in Texas. The agents in their welcome centre were efficient if not particularly welcoming—no coffee, beverages or steak on offer either. It's the first rest area I've encountered that had speed bumps. Before I left Lafayette my fellow campers warned me not to give the Texas Rangers any excuse to pull an out-of-state licensed vehicle over for speeding. Given the crosswinds and rain on the highway today there was no chance of that. As I drove out of Louisiana I noted the continuing tradition begun in Mississippi of huge hoardings along the side of the highway advertising gambling establishments. Yet another reason to abhor the obsession.

Given the unsettled nature of the weather today I'd already decided not to travel too far today so after seven miles of I-10 in Texas I got off and found a campground. I'd not that in Texas the signs read National Highway 10. Oak Leaf Campground is old and looks it; the outlet I plugged my landline into is almost as old as I. There is no Wi-Fi but I was escorted to my site by a slim Texan of medium height and shown where the facilities were located. As the name implies the camp is in a grove of Live Oaks again but this one has palm trees and pines interspersed. The squirrels are quite in evidence here as well but I've yet to have my roof bombarded as it was in Lafayette. So, at one o'clock I have a day to catch up on my reading but apparently I won't be doing it online.

On Tuesday I drove West along I-10 in Texas in calm weather on roads that were straight if largely under construction. The trip though the massive city of Houston was a white-knuckle experience. I may have been cautioned about speeding in Texas but it would seem everyone else does. Now that I have internet access I need to gain Intel and plan for the month ahead in Austin.

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