Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bluenose Meander Post Stanfest

Left Canso around 7:00 Monday Morning and drove up toward Antigonish. Whereas the highway to Eastern Shore was in good shape things got interesting after that. As usual there was nowhere to stop when the scenery was at its best. Was just a few miles from town when I finally reached the 104. Made Antigonish in a couple hours and found Whiddens Campground Downtown opposite Saint Francis Xavier University. This was one of those places where Campers are an inconvenience. It was not intended that one use the ‘free’ Wi-Fi. The two young lads ‘guarding’ the gate were not the preferred exponents of their hometown. Girls were cleaning the cabins and another group of high schoolers mowing the lawns and maintaining the grounds. Next door someone was roofing a house. I went for a walk around an unexpectedly vibrant downtown. The 5500 university students added to a resident population of 4500 keep things hopping it would seem. Two barber shoppes? The $3.50 cone of Grapenut Ice Cream I was assured was fresh tasted like saw dust. All in all Antigonish in the rain did not impress though I enjoyed talking with some of the locals and enjoyed my visit to the large library complete with an aquarium of Lake and Brook Trout.

Again left early Tuesday Morning shaking myself free of the dust, mud, of the place. Found Sobeys near the highway disappointing and after gassing up at Ultramar where I had to run the pump the second time when it stopped at $100 and an over-weight attendant came out to tell me needlessly that I’d have to come in to pay for the second run went across the road to the Irving Station to find out that no, they didn’t fill motorhomes. It wasn’t that far to New Glasgow where I did find propane and the Sobeys up the street was a welcome find. When they put your photo on the hording for the county as they have 40-year-old Dave Gunning you must be famous!

Drove across the canal to Pictou after noting that I was in Westray Mine Country missing the Pictou Welcome Centre located it transpires on the wrong side of the road. If you’re in a hurry for anything in Nova Scotia you’ve come to the wrong place. Eventually found Harbour Light Trailer Park’s owner and was shown a shaded campsite. After setting up waited some more to actually pay for same. High Speed Wi-Fi and two days for the same price I paid at last place. After I’d caught up with the world walked down to smell salt air and watched the waves on Pictou Harbour. A verdant growth of poison ivy served to keep one close to the centre of the trail. Next day fully enjoyed a ‘free’ shower and settled in to catch up and do some writing.

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