Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I'm Dreaming of A White Easter

Ironic that although we definitely had a Green Christmas we emphatically are enjoying a White Easter. As you will have discerned I’m back online. Spent much of Friday disassembling my system and finding safe locations to store the constituent bits; especially keeping the various power adapters and connecting wires straight. When I finally had the area clear went to work at fighting dust and dirt. Found those little bits and pieces that got misplaced over the last 2 years. When I’d accomplished that task got out the lemon oil and went over my wood veneer and let it sit overnight. Yesterday, Saturday even before my first coffee set to work at putting it all back together. First, though, I got a before shot which took some time as it was pitch black out and I had to figure out how to make my Nikon Speedlight Work. Nikon Cameras take great pictures but no one ever called them user-friendly.

Finally got to work in earnest at 6:30 and was finished three hours later around 9:30. That’s a mind-boggling number of wires and connections; where things go to a great deal depends on the art of the possible not on desire. When I’d finally finished my system froze during post but ran after I forced a shut down. It’s a relief to be able to report that all round I’m pleased with my decisions and the way my new set-up operates. My telephone seems to have benefited from sitting idle for 24 hours; the screen is brighter and clearer than ever. How does anyone live without USB 2; transfers that used to take up to 3 hours are completed in 6 minutes! After I reset the refresh rate on my screen I’ve had no problems there; who said experts knew best? Getting my new 5:1 sound system working with my sound card took some adjusting—I now have multiple ways to set sound volume not to mention front to back, mid-speaker, and sub-woofer ratios. After the challenges of getting my blue tooth to recognize my keyboard I believe I’m just as well off with hard wired speakers even if I have half a mile of cable. It’s a mystery to me how the USB Adapter can fail to recognize a keyboard when they’re sitting side by side. Mind you it is difficult to find a disconnected keyboard when you already believe you’ve acquired it. So far I’ve discovered that someone within range has a blue tooth enabled Nokia Phone and a Notebook similarly equipped. Luckily one cannot connect a keyboard without typing a passkey on the actual device. Now that I’ve tried six-channel sound I know I made the right decision. Here’s an after shot. It looks clean for the moment but I’ll manage to clutter it up soon.

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