Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Not With It

"Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices."

-- Laurence J. Peter


I’m truly vacationing at this point.  This morning I couldn’t remember what day it is.  Or then it could be the drug I took last night.  It took the sinus headache I awoke with yesterday to finally persuade me that I had to break down and take an anti-histamine last night.  My system had become so inflamed I was itching allover and my stomach was upset.  Last night I took Benedryl, anti-histamine in its purist form.  It took almost four hours for the effect to kick in; I realize I should have taken it earlier in the evening; but when it did, sleep followed rather quickly. 


Slept in until nearly 7:00 AM and awoke with what feels like a hangover….  Without the headache…. Or the upset stomach…. Or the hypersensitive hearing….  Maybe it isn’t like a hangover at all; I’ve never really had one of those.  Whatever I have the world is happening in slo mo around me this morning.  Thought processes slowed way down, head feels heavy along with the rest of me; it’s like being only half awake without the possibility of actually rousing oneself.  Far from heeding the warning about not handling mechanized devices I don’t feel capable of it in the first place.  In the kitchen this morning I handled everything with very precise delicate care.  Decided I needed my first coffee to be sufficiently alert to operate the toothbrush—well, it is an electric toothbrush.


Having successfully survived the toothbrush I decided it might be safe to assay shaving—well, it is an electric shaver.  The shaver survived but I managed to miss the head with my spray lubricant.  Suppose another coffee may be in order before I attempt breakfast, or brunch as it may more properly be called by the time I get to making it.  I’d like to resume reading but fear that would be a prescription for napping at this point, perhaps I’ll watch a DVD instead, that way it’s easier to find where I left off when I fall asleep than if I dropped a book without a bookmark in place. 


It’s election time again in Ontario and the mudslinging and lawn signs are out in full force.  The local Liberal Candidate had his up the next day—I suppose prior warning helps.  The party in power, the Liberals, are making all kinds of promises about how they’ll spend our tax dollars.  The Tories, under John Tory, are busy complaining about all the broken promises from the last election; what do they take us for, do they actually believe anyone was naïve enough the last time round to actually expect any politician to keep any promise he’d made once he got in power.  This from the party of Brian Mulroney, who promised he wouldn’t implement a GST. Speaking of the devil his own mudsling opus, masquerading as his memoirs, has just hit the book stands.  A bio of his wife was so popular it didn’t even sell as a bargain book; hence it was sent back to be pulped—a fate to which I’d consign those memoirs—but I digress.  Last election the voters finally turfed the Harris/Eves Tories—I never understood who voted for them in the first place or was stupid enough to re-elect them, how many times?  Most people I know didn’t admit to it in public.  The electorate didn’t so much vote for the Liberals but against the Tories.  What will happen this time is up for grabs—is the Rhinoceros Party fielding a candidate?  

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