Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Period of Adjustment

Or call it self-indulgence. It's the last day of April, 18 since I returned to Canada and if April Showers do indeed bring Mayflowers then we should have a prodigious display. In the month of April I've managed to read 6 books, cart upteen loads up from my RV, fight dust, oil woodwork, and various clean. Watch a few DVD's, listen to CD's, organize a few corners. I even found and cleaned my kitchen counter-space. On Monday I got back in my home gym for the first time in five month and today I'm beginning to feel the onset of Delayed Onset Soreness. When it isn't pouring out I've been attempting to get out and walk.

Today I walked down to Trafalgar and Iroquois Shore Rd then along the Creek Diversion to enter the Morrison Creek Ravine from the south end. Ten days ago when I helped in a clean-up of this ravine the trilliums were in bud and the trout lilies showing. As of today the trilliums are still trying ot open. The ducks are back:

The trout lilies are struggling to be seen amid the dross and cross piles of ash that have fallen prey to the emerald ash borer.

In the warmer glades the trilliums are out.

Without any leaves out as yet the streams look barren and exposed.

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