Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

April Rant--Overdue

The New York Subway is buying wider seats for it's new subway cars to accommodate larger posteriors. Fat asses if you like.

Kodak is going bankrupt.

In Newfoundland a teacher sprayed air freshener on a student because he stank of salt cod.

In Cape Breton Nova Scotia authorities admit the disappearance of the keys to 100 homes used by electrical meter readers. At least the keys were not identified.

The Quantico Firing Range sees millions of rounds fired annually yet not a single deer that lives on the property has ever been hit.

Was just hearing about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Somehow it's hard to imagine him married. Even with all his money must have been hard to build a home big enough for him, her, and his ego.

Germany has a multi-million dollar problem. Seems their police officers can't fit into the new police cars that were just purchased. Seems there isn't room for all the gear the officers are required to wear on their belts. So much for German ingenuity.

A few items from Austin where it's hip to be weird. When I mentioned on a beach in California that even owned I a thong I wouldn't go riding a bike clad in nothing but that thong. My conversation partner replied, 'Oh, you must have seen Leslie.' Leslie Cochran died around noon on a Thursday a few weeks ago A former mayoral candidate who actually once came in second he was 60.
Artz Rib House folds, this time for good it seems. I wasn't impressed with the weeds growing up through the bricks on the patio. Like so many other iconic locations in Austin the place was a dive.

Earl Scruggs, who recorded the theme from the Beverley Hillbillies died 2 weeks ago at 88. The funeral was held at the Ryman in Nashville.

Justin Trudeau is 40, seems only yesterday his pot-smoking mother gave him birth. In any case he engaged in three rounds of fisty-cuffs with a Quebec Innu 37 and reduced the martial artist to a defenseless quivering mass in under 3 rounds. Score one for the Liberals over a Tory Senator. Match in aid of Cancer Research. See the match here:

Along with all the job cuts and the continued rape of the CBC Harper's Tory Government's Budget announced the phasing out of the penny, the last ones to roll out of the mint in September. In other news a change in the metal content of toonies and loonies is making them lighter and will create a $40 million dollar headache for vending machine operators and municipal parking meters nation-wide. Way to go.

Canada Post showed an annual loss of $253 million in 2011, the first time the agency has failed to make a profit in 16 years. Guess they ran out of surplus property to sell. Buy your stamps now. Expect them to buy more computers and lay off more delivery personnel. They actually got rid of some 3000 useless supervisors last year. They still have 4 levels of management forwarding the same E-mails down the line. What else they do besides take coffee breaks, read their E-mail, and surf the net no one knows.

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