Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Boring is Good

But send me a letter.  Alas, my personal mail inbox is a sorrowfully empty vessel and remains so.  While I remain under house arrest to avoid asthma-inducing pollens others it would seem are outdoors.  I did get to tour a friend’s perennial garden last Friday. 


I fear I’m at that stage in life where boring is good.  When I arose from my afternoon nap last Friday I learned that my neighbour dropped dead in our parking lot while walking her dogs.  It would seem that at this point I can still sleep through anything including ambulance sirens as I’d have been home when it happened.  A week later I still expect to see her sitting on a curb with her dogs puffing on a cigarette. 


Last weekend we had a definite taste of fall.  It got cool enough that I switched off the Air Conditioning temporarily.  Of course by week’s end the hot, humid, muggy air has returned and at midnight Friday morning we’re still enjoying 75º temperatures.  We’ve had an entire week in which overcast skies have portended rain and thundershowers and that trend  is to continue through coming weekend.  Although it’s made it uncomfortable for those who must work outside there has been very little moisture that we’ve gotten for our crisping lawns and trees are sporting premature autumn colours as a result of the drought. 


Managed to make pizza last weekend along with a batch of French Toast.


One has to wonder at Corporate mentality.  We have an obsolete laser printer that has been throwing us paper jams with disgusting regularity for the past month.  IBM techs have attended upon it eight times in the last 4 weeks and replaced every single part inside its case, several twice and still it jams.  Considering the cost of parts and service calls we could have bought several printers for the same money.  This week I jibed with the latest young tech that he needed to perform an exorcism and he replied that he was using holy water instead.  Running an office seems to involve all the upkeep of running a home.  Clogged toilets, abandoned cars in the parking lot, broken drains, malfunctioning doors and locks, loose screws, even wallets dropped in outgoing mail slots.  At the Post Office add customers who lose their mailbox keys, can’t find their mailboxes, can’t find their mail because another family member picked it up, can’t get their address right and expect us to track a parcel mailed 2 months ago.  Just when you think you’ve heard of everything someone comes up with something even more outrageous. 


Had my shift changed this week so I could help catch up on some paperwork.  I can turn off my alarm but telling my bladder that I don’t want to get up at 2:30 AM is another matter.  Adjusting my circadian clock so that it doesn’t expect an afternoon nap is no mean feat either.  Hence here I am just after midnight contemplating whether I should watch TV or read myself back to sleep with a book. 



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