Born on a mixed subsistence farm in rural Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Moved to Ontario in 1967 to attend University at what was then Waterloo Lutheran University and moved to Oakville, Ontario in 1971. Without intending to live up to the name became a letter carrier the following January and have worked for Canada Post ever since. I retired in August of 2008.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

More Lazy Hazy Crazy Days

I’ve been making frequent contributions recently to this blog most probably in consequence of the fact that no one has written me of late.  You might say I’m feeling neglected. 


I’ve been sleeping a lot lately and given my 4:00 AM start time at work that rest is taken at odd hours.  When I can keep my eyes open I’ve been plugging away at Harry Potter.  I was amused to see that employees at the Ministry of Magic enter the building by flushing themselves down the toilet.  Last night I passed the half way point.  My neighbour showed me a book someone loaned her being a biography of Eva Braun in the original German.  Even were I fluent in German I don’t think the subject interests me. 


Despite the heat, humidity, smog, and drought in our area we have to be thankful for the lack of floods, hail, collapsing infrastructure, war, kidnappings, murder, and mayhem occurring elsewhere on this planet.  Boring is good.  I seem to have slept blissfully through the thunderstorm that marked the cold front that came through overnight.  I know it came about because my microwave timer and kitchen light were off this morning indicating a temporary break in power.  All my other appliances have backup batteries or capacitors to protect their memories.


It has just occurred to me that with all this heat we are barely weeks away from the point at which the load of algae in Lake Ontario will reach critical mass and turn our drinking water into a smelly concoction that tastes like essence of Northern Swamp.  Time to stockpile some drinking water. 


I’m continuing to fight a losing battle with the growing backlog of podcasts I’ve downloaded to iTunes.  Apparently I have 336 hours worth stored on my hard drive.  When they come on sale I’ve also been collecting DVD’s faster than I can watch them.  At the moment I feel the need for lighter fare so I’ve been watching Paradise with the pint-sized Elijah Wood and Melanie Griffith; he was ten at that point and come to think of it he hasn’t grown that much since that time. 


Got my car serviced mid-week; now I have to put all that crap back—mind you the snow scraper and my winter coat could go into storage.  Having sold me a car with an onboard computer that determines when servicing is necessary I’m in dispute with the service manager who wants the pleasure of my cash infusion to his department quarterly.  The computer has been confirming my assertion that I don’t drive enough to justify that kind of outlay. 


Also wrote MacLean’s to enquire why Barbara Amiel the wife of a convicted felon is still writing for them.  I never have had much interest in anything that right-wing would be aristocratic snob had to say and even less so now.  

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