All great truths begin as blasphemies, move on to become canon law and end their being as superstitions. Attributed to George Bernard Shaw. Today I had the last amalgam--silver+mercury--filling removed from my mouth. Had anyone told the back-country dentist who used a foot-peddled dental drill to prepare for my first dental fillings that someday a dentist would use an intense light to set a bonded acrylic filling he'd have said they were crazy. But then, back at the mid-point of the last century people still played with globules of mercury by rolling them around in their hands. That same dentist would probably have found it incredible to think that fifty years later we would be on the verge of eliminating dental decay altogether.
At this point I've finally regained sensation in that area of my mouth in which the dentist worked today and lost my fat lip. I believe I'll take this insult to my system as a valid excuse to go curl up in bed with a good book and vegetate until time to retire. That's my story for today and I'm sticking to it!
The Telltale Heart
2 days ago
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